Student Centred Approach to Teaching
12/11/22, 3:45 am
Student-centered learning allows students to create knowledge rather than passively receiving information and encourages deep learning The student-centred approach focuses primarily on what the student needs to do to learn and not on the subject content or communication with the teacher
Student-Centred Learning
Although this approach may seem to go against basic educational practices (learning must be centered around the teacher, right?), it is clear that it is time to challenge the traditional hierarchical method of teaching.
Students learn best when they’re interested in what they’re learning. Allowing children to have an input into their education, in a safe, curated environment, will allow them to feel a sense of control and ownership that doesn’t exist in a top-down approach.
Empowering students helps them transition from being passive learners to active ones. Suddenly, they become more invested in their education and willing to learn.
A student-centered approach also fosters creativity and collaboration. This method of learning acknowledges that students prefer different ways of learning and absorb information at different paces.
Learner-centred education also encourages a friendlier relationship between educators and students, as teachers take on a role that more like a mentor and a guide for students’ experiences. They’re there to support, challenge, and encourage, rather than to tell students what to do.